About Us

Hi, my name is Tate Herrman. I have been fishing my whole life, and I started fishing as a kid for whatever would bite. I still enjoy catching any type of species. But, my real passion is bass fishing and I love everything about it. This passion has become a way of life for me and my family. It started when I was dating my wife, and we would go on fishing dates. This continued when we were first married with many Saturday mornings and evenings out at the lake. I have been tournament fishing for the last 10 years, and enjoy the competition and the excitement when you catch a keeper. Also, it makes you fish different lakes and lures that you may never have tried or visited otherwise.

Then as the kids came, they were also exposed to fishing early. All three of them could cast a pole by the time they were 18 months old. Fishing has brought us together as a family, and is something we all enjoy. My two older boys, Nick and Kyle, joined a youth club last year and started fishing youth tournaments this year. They have been very successful in a short time having already won two of the three events. Our youngest son, Trey, is just an enjoyment to take fishing and watch him on the water. I have learned another passion of mine is teaching others about fishing, especially kids. Therefore, I started this blog to be able to share our adventures and hopefully teach others about this great sport.